Our Story

Where it All Began

Do you remember where you were the last time God asked you to do something big? I was in the car driving back from a conference when I felt God stirring in me a desire to move beyond the reasonable and step into the miraculous. A retiring pastor had just shared his vision to see a new church planted in Chula Vista/San Diego, but he needed someone to come and spear head the endeavor. I knew in that moment that someone was me. When I got home I shared with Melissa all about the conference and about the pastor’s vision and dream of a new work in CV, but I left out the piece about hearing God’s voice within the roar of the car engine on the way home.


A few days later, Melissa comes to me and says, “Hey, guess what I can’t get off my mind.” I already knew the answer, but I took the bait and said, “I don’t know, what?” To which she simply replied, “Chula Vista,” and in those 2 words so much was spoken between us.


We started praying about our next steps, and we sought the advice and council of dear friends and mentors. After a few weeks and months, we were confident in this calling and in this step of faith. God had moved our hearts to create a disciple-making movement that will culminate in planting churches in Chula Vista and the nations.


We knew it would be big, but we’ve seen God do big things before and aren’t afraid to ask for more.


" We’ve seen God do big things before and aren’t afraid to ask for more. "